Friday, April 2, 2010

Does Happiness Depend on Owning a Dream Home?


San Diego architect Alison Whitelaw told the good folks at Money Magazine (I read about it in USA Today) what types of home upgrades make people happiest, and broke folk will be pleased to know that it is not marble counter tops, scads of designer furniture or a top of the line media center.

Research suggests more modest changes will do wonders in lifting your mood. Follow the links to the articles to learn about how wall color and furniture placement can make everything seem better with life.

"Light and color have a definite impact on people's emotional response," says San Diego architect Alison Whitelaw in a story by Money Magazine. She's vice president of the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture, which brings scientists and designers together.

CNN Money, which also covered the original Money article notes that:

..people are in danger of wasting money on projects that won't increase their pleasure after all. That's because our survey shows that people aren't always right about what will make them happy in their homes.
Just another illustration at how bad we are in general in predicting what will make us happy...

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