Thanks to The Official Ramen Homepage (which you can find in the blog roll) for a couple of interesting posts. The first reports on an article from MIT about how the 3d representation of the human genome ends up looking like uncooked ramen.
“It turns out actually that the fractal globule pretty deeply resembles the model of uncooked ramen noodles,” he said. “You can contrast this with the classic polymer structure, which is the arrangement that the noodles take once you’ve cooked them.”
It also shared a great broke folk recipe that was featured on the Food Network's "Dinner Impossible" program. It's called Pork Ramen Alfredo College Dorm Special.
So ramen fans, I urge you to add the Offical Ramen Homepage to your favorite rss feed reader. (I like a free open source one called Feedreader.)
Although I was initially skeptical, I've come to enjoy Twitter as a personalized newswire that leads me to a host of interesting stories I would not otherwise have seen. I learned today, for example (thanks to my hyper-posting twitter buddy @IanAspin) about the New Economics Foundation, and have added them to the blog roll.
Here's how they describe themselves: "nef is an independent think-and-do tank that inspires and demonstrates real economic well-being. We aim to improve quality of life by promoting innovative solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environment and social issues. We work in partnership and put people and the planet first."
Today in the blog Andy Wimbush wrote about a lecture by the iconoclastic Lord Turner at the Cass business school:
Lord Turner also reflected on an interview last year in which he branded much of the activity in the financial sector as “socially useless”. “People have asked me whether I regret those comments,” he said, “The answer is no, except in one very small respect, which is that I think it would have been better to use the phrase ‘economically useless’ or ‘of no economic value added’.” This echoes nef’s recent report A Bit Rich which found that Elite City bankers (earning £1 million-plus bonuses) destroy £7 of value for every £1 they create....
Lord Turner’s comments show that, contrary to what been said by some defeatists in the movement for a just and sustainable economy, there is still plenty of opportunity to introduce new ideas and challenging, radical policy proposals. The door that was flung open by the financial crisis hasn’t closed yet. So let’s delve deep into that index of forbidden thoughts and see what works.