Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Resourcefulness of Being Broke

Nice article in the Charleston Gazette today on the book and our travels.

Lee wants people who read her book to re-envision the economic culture, look past the mentality of buying and selling and find ways to enjoy life even if you don't win the lottery tomorrow.

"You know," she said, "in the off-chance you don't win."

Now, she's touring the country, signing copies, meeting with people and spreading the gospel that broke is beautiful.

Actually, no, that's not it at all. Part of Lee's message is making the most of what you have. Among other things, Lee manages Valery Lantratov, a touring Russian ballet instructor.

"He teaches." She laughed. "I just push play on the CD player."

She makes arrangements for his tour, provides transportation and travels with him. Lantratov will be teaching a program from Monday through Friday for the River City Youth Ballet Ensemble.

And since Lee is in the neighborhood, she arranged for a book signing on an off-day.

"There's a lot of resourcefulness in being broke," she said.

And how! The article comes ironically or appropriately, depending on your perspective, as we have been stranded in Buckhannon, West Virginia by a break down of my 12 year old Ford Escort (168,000 miles). The repair shop can't fix it until Thursday, and in spite of having debit cards and cash on hand, a real credit card is the key to car renting. So after a day of resourcefully scrounging, I am pleased to say that friends in West Virginia are offering us a ride to our next tour city (A good 2 hours) while the car is being fixed. Living the life!